Monday 15 August 2011

17 Course Menu

French 17 Course Menu:


1. Hors-D'oeuvres (Starters):

2. Potage (Soups):

3. Oeufs (Eggs):

4. Farineux (Made of cereals):

5. Poisson (Fish):

Entree Shrimp with Coucous
Steak Entree

6. Entree (A small serving served before the mains or a side):

Pomegranate Sorbet

7. Sorbet (A frozen dessert similar to Frape usually made from fruit juice or a kind of cold beverage):

8. Releve (Larger dishes compared to entree usually comes from the butchers joint with a side dish):

9. Roti (Roast):

10. Legumes (Vegetable dish which is served with sauce, the course balance from heavy to light):

11. Salade:

12. Buffet Froid (Cold Buffet):

13. Fromage (Cheese):

14. Entremete [Sweets may be hot or cold, Souffles, Crepes(pancakes) or Coupes(Ice- cream dishes)]

15. Savourex (It can be savoury items served hot on toast or a savoury souffle):

16. Desserts:

17. Beverages (Cafe):

Tuesday 9 August 2011




Guitar is a plucked string instrument, usually played with fingers or a pick. The guitar consists of a body with a rigid neck to which the strings, generally 6 in number, are attached. The guitar is traditionally constructed of various woods and the strings are either nylon or steel.

Types of guitars:

Acoustic Guitars: A 6-stringed instrument, played by strumming or plucking, in this instrument the sound is not amplified by any electrical means.
The sound is projected through the sound hole located in the center. 

Electric Guitars: This type of guitar uses the principle of direct electromagnetic induction to convert vibrations of its metal strings into electric audio signals. This type of the guitar needs an amplifier to amplify the sound and then the electrical signal is sent to the loudspeaker. Often the signal is modified using effects such as reverb and distortion. 

Electro-Acoustic Guitars: Electro-acoustic guitars have pick ups specifically designed for the subtle nuances of the timber of the acoustic guitar. Electro-acoustic pick ups are designed to sound neutral with little alteration to the organic acoustic timbre. 

Twelve String Guitars: The twelve-string guitars is usually an acoustic guitar though the twelve-string electric guitars are available. The twelve string guitars have the regular six strings and a second set of thinner strings with each string of the second set corresponding to the note of its regular string counterpart. The second set of the strings are tuned an octave higher, but you play the guitar as a standard six string guitar.

Archtop Guitars: This type of guitar has a hollow or semi-hollow acoustic or electric guitar which uses steel strings. The body of the guitar, whether hollow or semi-hollow, has a sound block in the middle and they also have violin f-holes cut into the table. They can be of electric or acoustic in type that look similar to a standard guitar the only distinguishing factor being the electro-magnetic pickup. 

Bass Guitars: The base guitar has a longer scale-length and thicker strings than a standard guitar. There are acoustic and electric bass guitars, but the electric bass is more common. The standard bass guitar is 4 strings though 5 and 6 string basses are also manufactured. 

Double-Neck Guitars: It has 2 kinds of guitars sharing one body. Triple neck guitars are also available in the market. 

Spanish Guitars: It is also known as the Classical Guitar or a Nylon String Guitar. It is a 6 string guitar and is played by plucking the strings.

Parts of the guitar:

Guitar Fretboard notes:

The notes not labelled are sharps and flats

How to tune a guitar: 

Tuning the guitar is vital to sounding good. The open strings of the guitar is from the thickest to the thinest as follows:

- the thickest string is known as the 6th string.
A - is the 5th string.
D - is the 4th string.
G - is the 3rd string. 
B - is the 2nd string.
E - the thinest string is known as the 1st string.

Step 1: Tune the 6th string as accurate as possible. If you have a piano, you can tune it to the 1st E below middle C.

Step 2 (The A-String): Place your first finger on the 5th fret of the 6th string that is a A note, now pick the 5th and 6th strings in turn, gently adjusting the fifth string tuning peg until the 2 notes sound the same.

Step 3 (The D-String): Place your first finger on the 5th fret of the 5th string, thats a D note. Hence, adjust the peg so that the 2 notes sound the same.

Step 4 (The G-String): Place your first finger on the 5th fret of the 4th string, thats a G note. Tune your G-string to that note.

Step 5 (The B-String): Place your first finger on the 4th fret of the 3rd string, thats a B note. Tune your B-string to that note.

Step 6 (Tunning the E-String): Place your first finger on the 5th fret of the 2nd string, thats a E note. Tune your E-string to that note. 

Guitars can be tuned with the help of a guitar tuner, a online software, etc.

Basic Guitar Chords: