Monday 15 August 2011

17 Course Menu

French 17 Course Menu:


1. Hors-D'oeuvres (Starters):

2. Potage (Soups):

3. Oeufs (Eggs):

4. Farineux (Made of cereals):

5. Poisson (Fish):

Entree Shrimp with Coucous
Steak Entree

6. Entree (A small serving served before the mains or a side):

Pomegranate Sorbet

7. Sorbet (A frozen dessert similar to Frape usually made from fruit juice or a kind of cold beverage):

8. Releve (Larger dishes compared to entree usually comes from the butchers joint with a side dish):

9. Roti (Roast):

10. Legumes (Vegetable dish which is served with sauce, the course balance from heavy to light):

11. Salade:

12. Buffet Froid (Cold Buffet):

13. Fromage (Cheese):

14. Entremete [Sweets may be hot or cold, Souffles, Crepes(pancakes) or Coupes(Ice- cream dishes)]

15. Savourex (It can be savoury items served hot on toast or a savoury souffle):

16. Desserts:

17. Beverages (Cafe):

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